The only dams built on the Mekong's main channel so far are up stream in China, where it is known as the Lancang river. 迄今为止,在湄公河水系中,只有中国在上游的澜沧江修建了一些水坝。
We will continue to support the role of the tripartite mechanism involving the African Union, the United Nations and the Sudanese Government as the main channel. 我们继续支持非盟、联合国和苏丹政府这三方作为主渠道发挥主要的推进作用。
The distributed control system ( DCS) is a main channel for realizing modern industrial process control. 分布式控制系统是现代工业过程控制得以实现的主要渠道。
The work of college moral education is an extremely complex system engineering, it is the main channel, main position and main classroom for moral education. 高校德育工作是一项极其复杂的系统工程,是进行思想道德教育的主渠道、主阵地和主课堂。
Drawing off water from its main channel as for irrigation. 把水从主要河道放出来例如为了灌溉。
Water demand for sediment transport to maintain the stable main channel in the Lower Yellow River 黄河下游维持主槽不萎缩的输沙需水研究辉发河干流河道生态环境需水量研究
Test on navigation condition influenced by the angle between approach channel and main channel 引航道与河流主航道的夹角对通航条件影响试验
So far Internet has become the main channel through which the computer viruses spread. 目前,因特网已成为电脑病毒传播的主要渠道。
The Unconventional Method of Researching to Reduce Ground Water Level of the Main Channel 非常规方法降低主渠道地下水位的探讨
Appraisal Study on Navigation Risk at the Junction of North Channel and Main Channel of Tianjin Port 天津港北航道与主航道交汇水域通航风险评估
Internet has changed the operating mode of the library, and the Network has become the main channel for the university library to collect, store and transmit the information. 互联网改变了图书馆的运作方式,网络已成为高校图书馆信息采集、储和传播的主要途径。
Tertiary industry has become the main channel to enlarge employment. 从三次产业就业结构来看,第三产业已成为扩大就业的主要渠道。
The optional courses "college students Mental Health Education," is the main channel for university students to receive Mental Health Education. 《大学生心理健康教育》选修课在大学生心理健康教育中发挥着主渠道的作用。
Besides, the main channel education at universities is the direct cause of dilemma in education. 而学校的主渠道教育是造成教育困境的直接原因。
The UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol should serve as the main channel for international negotiations and cooperation on climate change, with other initiatives and mechanisms as useful supplements. 要坚持把《联合国气候变化框架公约》及其《京都议定书》作为气候变化国际谈判和合作主渠道、其他倡议和机制作为有益补充的安排。
Research of the Through Capacity and Traffic Organizational Model in Main Channel of Large Sea Harbor 大型海港进港主航道通过能力及交通组织模式研究
He got clear of the other craft at the quayside and found the main channel out of the harbor, marked by buoys. 他躲开码头边上的船只,根据浮标找到了驶离港口的主航道。
The general course of educational technology is the main channel to train teachers'educational technology competence. 教育技术公共课是培养教师教育技术能力的主渠道。
As a main channel of accumulating human capital, Education has significant impact on income distribution. 教育作为人力资本积累的主要手段,对收入分配有着重要的影响。
He believed that the friendship cities had now become the main channel for people-to-people foreign affairs. 他认为,友好城市现已成为民间外交的主要渠道。
The disaster-causing effect is dependent on the modes of channel shrinkage, among them the mode with heavy deposition happened to the main channel is the most. 河道萎缩致灾效应的大小与萎缩模式有关,其中以“集中淤槽”模式所形成的致灾效应尤为明显。
Medium& small enterprises, making great employment-creation contribution, serve as the main channel for wenzhou's employment, which mainly benefits from the absolute predominance of quantity and scale, proper industrial orientation, clustering development and profound culture supporting. 摘要温州中小企业是当地劳动力就业的主渠道,其巨大的就业创造贡献得益于数量和规模上的绝对优势、产业结构上的合理定位、专业分工上的集群发展以及区域文化上的深厚支撑。
What is the main channel you accept in absorbing foreign fund? 贵方吸引外资的主要渠道是什么?
Being the main channel of diathesis education, multimedia teaching can made the teaching effect most exerted in the limited time. 摘要多媒体教学是实现素质教育的主管道,多媒体教学能使课堂教学效果在有限时间得到最大发挥。
As the bank loans is still the main channel for enterprise to get finance support, this paper focus the attention to the probability and availability of the SMEs getting bank loans. 由于银行贷款是中小企业的主要融资渠道,本文着重从银行贷款方面,研究如何增加中小企业银行贷款的可得性和有效性。
ISDN standards define two main channel types, each with a different transmission rate. ISDN标准共定立两项主要的通道种类,它们分别有不同的传输速度。
A crescent-shaped lake ( often temporary) that is formed when a meander of a river is cut off from the main channel. 新月形的湖,往往是由于主河道的一个漫流被切断而形成的。
As the river slows down in the flat plains beyond, it deposits its sediment, filling up the river's main channel until it overflows and begins a new course. 随着河流流速在下游平原减慢,它把沉积物沉淀下来,填入了该河的主河道,直到它溢出,开辟另一条新的河道。
The position of power axis of flow is determined by main channel when runoff is small, while the change law conforms with the law of rectangular section when runoff is large. 当小流量时水流动力轴线的位置取决于主槽的位置,当大流量时水流动力轴线的变化规律接近矩形断面的情形。
RS-Based Retrieval Model of Water Depth and Analysis of Main Channel Evolution in the Lower Minjiang River 闽江下游干流水深遥感与河道演变分析